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Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Trik HarvestMoon Back To Nature

Harvest Moon : Back To Nature.

Game ini bercerita tentang seorang pemuda yang diwariskan sebuah lahan yang terbengkalai oleh kakeknya. Pemuda ini di beri ujian merawat kebun tersebut hingga sukses seperti sedia kala. Jika kebun sukses maka kamu akan tetap melewati tahun tahun berikutnya. namun jika kebun tidak sukses, maka kamu akan di usir dari desa tersebut.
Didalam game ini tidak ada unsur kekerasan sama sekali.
jadi sangat cocok untuk dimainkan oleh segala umur.
namun ada sesuatu yang berbeda antara game ini dengan game lainnya.
yaitu memiliki keluarga atau menikah.
Disini saya akan mengupas beberapa calon istri yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai selera:

- Popuri
gadis berambut merah ini ada tipikal orang yang cukup ramah dan hampir selalu tersenyum kepada setiap orang. namun dia selalu terlihat berkelahi dengan kakak lelakinya,Rick. dikarenakan perbedaan pendapat dan dibalik itu semua Rick menginginkan yang terbaik untuk adiknya tersebut.

- Elli
gadis berambut coklat dan pendek ini sama seperti wanita pada umumnya. feminim dan menyukai hal hal yang umumnya disukai oleh wanita. dia juga sangat menyukai anak kecil terutama anak bayi. dan merupakan character dengan penggambaran yang sangat keibuan sekali.

- Ann
gadis tomboy dan berambut di kepang ini terlihat selalu berada di inn. ia tinggal bersama ayahnya semenjak ibunya meninggal. meskipun dia terlihat tomboy,namun ia memiliki sifat yang sangat manis apabila kamu sudah mengenalnya lebih jauh. untuk mendekatinya cukup mudah karena dia menyukai banyak hal.

- Mary
gadis berambut hitam dan berkacamata ini akan terlihat sangat berbeda bila ia melepas kacamatanya. penasaran ingin lihat wajahnya ketika melepas kacamata? dekatilah ia dan pada musim spring ketika Goddess Festival, ajaklah dia untuk kamu temani. maka pada saat 6AM dia akan datang ke peternakanmu tanpa menggunakan Kacamatanya!
jika kamu menikah dengan dia, maka perpustakaan hanya buka pada hari minggu, dan dia menyukai hal hal yang dibenci orang pada umumnya. seperti poison mushroom,green grass dan lain lain

- Karen
gadis berambut pirang panjang ini sangat menyukai wine / minuman anggur. tidak heran bila ia terlihat dewasa dan sering terlihat di bar ketika malam hari untuk minum anggur. namun dibalik itu semua dia adalah wanita yang cukup bisa diajak bersahabat dengan baik.
dapat yang kau inginkan?

berikut tips tips yang mungkin bermanfaat untuk di game kamu nantinya :
1.Jangan Merasa Puas Jika Lawanmu Hanya Memberikan Jawaban “Thank You” atau “Makasih”.Karena Tingkat Hati/Point Sosialisasimu dengan Dia Berkurang.
2.Usahakan Memiliki 30 Resep Sebelum Tahun Ke 2
3. Sapi Ternak Paling Menguntungkan, Jadi Setiap Hari Jangan Lupa Memberi Dia Makan.
4.Cukup Beli 1 Ayam Dan Kamu Dapat Memenuhi Kandang Ayammu Dengan Telur Yang Ditaruh Di Inkubator.
5. Penuhi Ladang Dengan Kentang Manis Saat Musim Gugur,Karena Itu Kesempatan Emasmu Memiliki Ladang Uang.
6.Tanam Rumput/Grass. Dengan Begitu Kamu Dapat Menaruh Ternakmu Di Luar.Beri Pagar Dengan Lumber Di Sekelilingnya.
7.Rawat Kudamu atau Barley Akan Mengambilnya Di Tahun Ke 2 Jika Tidak Bahagia.
8. Tebang Kayu Di Hutan Untuk Mendapatkan 5 Lumber. Gunakan Axe Yang Berlevel Gold /Mystrile.
9. Jangan Cukur Bulu Domba Ketika Musim Gugur, Sebelum Festival Domba atau Kamu AKAN mendapatkan Masalah.
10. Beri Dan Bersahabat Dengan Harvest Sprites. Karena Mereka Akan Membantumu.
11. Datang 3:50PM Ke Rumah Harvest Sprite Ketika Spring Untuk Mendapatkan Item Daun Teh.
12. Jangan Menikah Sebelum Summer Tahun Ke 2 Atau Kamu Tidak AKan Mendapatkan Coklat.
13. Minum Sebotol Turbojolt Jika Kamu Akan Berkerja Di Atas 6PM
14. Usahakan Memancing Di Malam Hari Karena Akan Mempermudah Menangkap Ikan Besar.
15. Bawa 3 Mentimun Ke Danau Mother’s Hill, Lempar Di Antara Pohon Di Sana, Maka Kappa Akan Muncul Dan Memberimu Secret Power Berry Bila Posisinya Benar.
16. Mencabut dan Membuang Rumput Akan Menyimpan Tenaga Daripada Memotongnya dengan Sabit.
17.Menambang Mineral Adalah Alternatif Mencari Uang Ketika Hari Hujan.
18.Jika Kamu Menikah Dengan Popuri Maka Rick Akan Menikah Dengan Karen.
19. Upgrade Watering Can Untuk Mempermudah Kerjamu.
20. Tanam Jagung Ketika Summer Dan Kamu Akan Mengirit Uang Untuk Membeli Pakan Ayam.
21. Upgrade Rumahmu.Kumpulkan Kayu Dari Hutan.
22. Hot Spring Dapat Memulihkan Tenagamu.Jika Kamu Mandi Disana Selama 1 Jam
23. Hutan Adalah Mata Pencaharianmu Yang Ke 4 setelah Ladangmu dan Menambang Mineral dan Memancing
24. Setelah Tahun Ke 6 Lebih Baik Menambang Kamu Tinggalkan Karena Mineral Semakin Sulit Di Dapat.
25. Menangkan Setiap Festival Untuk Membuatmu Terkenal.
26. Jika Kamu Berhubungan Baik Dengan Orang” Mereka akan Memberimu Resep Resep Yang Berguna.
27. Bicaralah Pada Mayor Thomas Untuk Melihat Indikator Keberhasilanmu.( Jika Ia Murung Maka Kamu Cukup Gagal, Jika Tersenyum Maka Kamu Berhasil Pada Musim Itu )
28. Usahakan Memberikan Barang” Ke Orang Orang Setiap Hari
29. Kamu Bisa Menaruh Ternakmu Di Luar,Akan Tetapi Kamu Harus Menunggu Anjingmu Dewasa Atau Kamu Akan Diganggu Anjing Liar.
30. Jika Kamu Menikah Dengan Mary, Setiap Hari Minggu Ia Akan Membuka Perpustakaannya.
buat kamu yang gak pakai gameshark, atau kamu yang belum tau caranya sukses gak pakai gameshark. pakai trik 2 memory card aja!
pertama,kamu harus punya save an yang sukses.
setelah itu copy savean ladang kamu yang sukses itu ke memorycard ke 2
mulai game baru,lalu pilih exchange animal / tukar hewan.
setelah itu pilih memory card slot 1. tukarkan 1 hewan mu(cukup 1 aja dan disarankan kamu menukarkan ayam ) dengan hewan hewan yang berhati full/memiliki susu emas.
setelah itu jual semua hewan itu lalu save game di slot 2.
kembali ke pilihan memory card, delete savean harvest moon kamu di memory card slot 1,lalu copy data harvest moon yang memiliki ladang yang sukses yang sudah kamu backup di slot 2 ke slot 1.
lakukan trik di atas berulang ulang maka kamu akan dapat memiliki uang yang tidak terbatas jumlahnya tanpa gameshark.
perlu pertanyaan?
silahkan komen di blog ini.

Recipe, Credits to Sky Render
Ingredients: Milk (any size)
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 1

Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt, Sugar, Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 1

Noodles (The Delicious Hour, 18th show)
Ingredients: Flour, Egg*, Cabbage*, Turnip*, Sweet Potato*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Carrot*, Eggplant*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Onion*, Truffle*, Fish*
Utensils: Pot, Knife, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 76

Bamboo Rice
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35

Mushroom Rice (The Delicious Hour, 10th show)
Ingredients: Mushroom, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35

Truffle Rice (The Delicious Hour, 11th show)
Ingredients: Truffle, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 65

Raisin Bread
Ingredients: Wild Grapes, Bread
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 30

Dinner Roll
Ingredients: Bread, Butter, Honey*
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 30 to 32

Strawberry Jam (New Year's Special TV, Spring 5)
Ingredients: Strawberry
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 5

Apple Jam
Ingredients: Apple or SUGDW Apple, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 5 to 9

Grape Jam (The Delicious Hour, 9th show)
Ingredients: Wild Grapes, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar, Salt*
Stamina Restored: 5 to 9

Jam Bun (New Year's Special TV, Spring 5)
Ingredients: Bread, any type of Jam (at least one, can use multiple types)
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 40 to 50

Tomato Juice (The Delicious Hour, 8th show)
Ingredients: Tomato
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 25

Hot Milk (The Delicious Hour, 17th show)
Ingredients: Milk
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 24

Strawberry Milk
Ingredients: Strawberry, Milk, Honey*
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 36

Boiled Egg (The Delicious Hour, 1st show)
Ingredients: Egg
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23

Ingredients: Corn, Butter*
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35

Curry (The Delicious Hour, 15th show)
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Rice Ball, Oil*, Grape Juice*, Chocolate*,
Spinach*, Turnip*, Vegetable Juice*, Wine*, Green Pepper*, Wild Grape*,
Sweet Potato*, Boiled Egg*, Pumpkin*, Truffle*, Mushroom*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Fish*, Cheese*, Tomato*, Egg*, Corn*, Potato*
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 65

Miso Soup (The Delicious Hour, 16th show)
Ingredients: At least one of the following: Cabbage, Green Pepper, Potato,
Spinach, Sweet Potato, Carrot, Corn, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot,
Onion, Mushroom, Small Fish, Turnip
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Miso Paste, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 10 to 52

Ingredients: Cucumber
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23

Pickled Turnips
Ingredients: Turnip
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23

Ingredients: Spinach
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 20

Salad (The Delicious Hour, 5th show)
Ingredients: Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Tomato, Truffle*, Mushroom*,
Strawberry*, Turnip*, Boiled Egg*, Cheese*, Green Pepper*, Pineapple*,
Apple*, Mayonnaise*, Oil*, Corn*, Potato*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar*, Salt*
Stamina Restored: 34 to 60

Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato, Boiled Egg*, Truffle*, Cabbage*,
Honey*, Wine*, Apple*, Carrot*, Mushroom*, Onion*, Sweet Potato*, Cheese*,
Wild Grape*, Corn*, Cucumber*, Mayonnaise*, Pineapple*, Strawberry*, Fish*,
Butter*, Tomato*, Potato*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 46 to 68

Happy Eggplant (The Delicious Hour, 12th show)
Ingredients: Eggplant
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: Sugar, Miso Paste, Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 30

Relaxation Tea
Ingredients: Relaxation Tea Leaves, Blue Grass*, Red Grass*, Green Grass*,
Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*, Milk*, Wine*, Orangecup Fruit*
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 70 to 112

Mayonnaise S
Ingredients: Normal Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 1

Mayonnaise M
Ingredients: Good Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 2

Mayonnaise L
Ingredients: Excellent Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 3

Mayonnaise XL
Ingredients: Golden Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 4

Sweet Potato
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Egg, Butter
Utensils: Pot, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 40

Roasted Potatoes (The Delicious Hour, 13th show)
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Small Stone (not Winter Stone)
Utensils: Oven
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 42

Ingredients: Flour, Milk, Oil*, Chocolate*, Grape Juice*, Pineapple*,
Spinach*, Vegetable Juice*, Wine*, Green Pepper*, Honey*, Wild Grape*,
Spa-Boiled Egg*, Apple*, Bamboo Shoot*, Fish*, Sweet Potato*, Tomato*,
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt
Stamina Restored: 35 to 58

Cheese Fondue
Ingredients: Cheese, Bread, Wine*
Utensils: Knife*, Pot
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 43 to 53

Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup, Bamboo Shoot*, Pumpkin*, Carrot*,
Sweet Potato*, Eggplant*, Mayonnaise*, Pineapple*, Truffle*, Egg*, Onion*,
Corn*, Mushroom*, Green Pepper*, Potato*, Tomato*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 43 to 67

Ingredients: Potato, Oil, Ketchup*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 40

Veggie Pancake
Ingredients: Cabbage, Flour, Egg, Oil, Milk*, Potato*, Cucumber*, Pumpkin*,
Cheese*, Eggplant*, Spinach*, Carrot*, Bamboo Shoot*, Mushroom*, Truffle*,
Mayonnaise*, Fish*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 65

Scrambled Eggs
Ingredients: Egg, Oil, Mayonnaise*, Butter*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 58

Omelet (The Delicious Hour, 2nd show)
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Corn*, Potato*, Cheese*, Cabbage*, Eggplant*,
Onion*, Sweet Potato*, Carrot*, Green Pepper*, Spinach*, Pumpkin*,
Mayonnaise*, Truffle*, Bamboo Shoot*, Fish*, Ketchup*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 82

Rice Omelet (The Delicious Hour, 3rd show)
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice Ball, Truffle*, Bamboo Shoot*, Cabbage*,
Eggplant*, Pumpkin*, Carrot*, Green Pepper*, Mayonnaise*, Mushroom*, Corn*,
Sweet Potato*, Fish*, Ketchup*, Spinach*, Cheese*, Onion*, Potato*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 82

Fried Rice
Ingredients: Oil, Rice Ball, Egg, Bamboo Shoot*, Cucumber*, Boiled Egg*,
Scrambled Egg*, Mushroom*, Spinach*, Stir Fry*, Wine*, Grilled Fish*,
Spa-Boiled Egg*, Green Pepper*, Onion*, Sashimi*, Cabbage*, Carrot*, Corn*,
Truffle*, Fish*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar, Salt, Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 49 to 69

Grilled Fish (New Year's Special TV, Spring 3; The Delicious Hour, 14th
Ingredients: Medium Fish
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 36

Ingredients: Large Fish, Medium Fish (one or both)
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 38

Ingredients: Sashimi, Rice Ball
Utensils: None
Seasonings: Vinegar, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 41

Chirashi Sushi
Ingredients: Sashimi, Rice Ball, Scrambled Egg, Cucumber*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 55

Curry Noodles
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Flour, Turnip*, Cabbage*, Sweet Potato*, Egg*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Carrot*, Eggplant*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Truffle*,
Onion*, Fish*
Utensils: Pot, Knife, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Miso Paste*, Soysauce*
(Alternate Recipe)
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Noodles, same optional ingredients as above*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Same as above*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 80

Stir Fry (The Delicious Hour, 6th show)
Ingredients: Cabbage, Oil, Potato*, Tomato*, Cucumber*, Sweet Potato*,
Spinach*, Turnip*, Bamboo Shoot*, Corn*, Mushroom*, Eggplant*, Carrot*,
Green Pepper*, Onion*, Truffle*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 40 to 52

Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Oil, Poisonous Mushroom*, Chocolate*, Truffle*,
Turnip*, Cucumber*, Cabbage*, Carrot*, Boiled Egg*, Pineapple*, Fish*,
Pumpkin*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Potato*, Eggplant*, Sweet Potato*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 20 to 38

Tempura Noodles
Ingredients: Tempura, Noodles, Cabbage*, Turnip*, Sweet Potato*, Fish*,
Mushroom*, Truffle*, Egg*, Carrot*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Miso Paste*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 92
(Alternate recipe)
Ingredients: Tempura, Flour, same optional ingredients as above*
Utensils: Pot, Rolling Pin, Knife
Seasonings: Same as above*

Fried Noodles
Ingredients: Oil, Noodles
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 60

Cookie (The Delicious Hour, 4th show)
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 15 to 17

Chocolate Cookie
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 30 to 32

Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*,
Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 40 to 63

Chocolate Cake
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*,
Strawberry*, Wild Grape*
Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 70 to 91

Ingredients: Cheese, Milk, Egg, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Pot, Whisk
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 50 to 52

Pumpkin Pudding
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Egg, Milk, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 50 to 52

Apple Pie
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Apple, Wine*, Honey*
Utensils: Knife, Oven, Pot, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 50 to 54

Ice Cream
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Strawberry*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*, Apple*,
Utensils: Pot, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 30 to 53

Fruit Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes (at least one of
these), Honey*
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 29 to 33

Fruit Latte
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes (at least one of
these), Milk, Honey* (alternate: Fruit Juice, Milk, Honey*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 39 to 43

Vegetable Juice (The Delicious Hour, 7th show)
Ingredients: Cucumber, Carrot, Cabbage, Truffle*, Corn*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Onion*, Green Pepper*, Spinach*, Cheese*, Egg*, Eggplant*, Turnip*
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 28 to 50

Veggie Latte
Ingredients: Cucumber, Carrot, Cabbage, Milk, Truffle*, Corn*, Eggplant*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Turnip*, Spinach*, Green Pepper*, Cheese*, Egg*, Onion*
(alternate: Vegetable Juice, Milk, same optional ingredients*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 38 to 59

Mixed Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes, Cucumber, Carrot,
Cabbage (at least one fruit and one veggie), Truffle*, Corn*, Eggplant*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Grape Juice*, Mushroom*, Turnip*, Onion*, Green Pepper*,
Tomato*, Spinach*, Cucumber* (alternate: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice, same
optional ingredients*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 58

Mixed Latte
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes, Cucumber, Carrot,
Cabbage, Milk
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 65


Harga Barang, Credits to Sky Render
Item: Turnip  Sell Value: 60
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Turnip Seeds during Spring or in the Hothouse

Item: Potato  Sell Value: 80
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Potato Seeds during Spring or in the Hothouse

Item: Cucumber  Sell Value: 60
Stamina: 4  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Cucumber Seeds during Spring or in the Hothouse

Item: Strawberry Sell Value: 30
Stamina: 5  Fatigue: 2
Found: Plant Strawberry Seeds during Spring or in the Hothouse

Item: Cabbage  Sell Value: 250
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Cabbage Seeds during Spring or in the Hothouse

Item: Tomato  Sell Value: 60
Stamina: 4  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Tomato Seeds during Summer or in the Hothouse

Item: Corn  Sell Value: 100
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Corn Seeds during Summer or in the Hothouse

Item: Onion  Sell Value: 80
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Onion Seeds during Summer or in the Hothouse

Item: Pumpkin  Sell Value: 250
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Pumpkin Seeds during Summer or in the Hothouse

Item: Pineapple  Sell Value: 500
Stamina: 5  Fatigue: 2
Found: Plant Pineapple Seeds during Summer or in the Hothouse

Item: Eggplant  Sell Value: 80
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Eggplant Seeds during Fall or in the Hothouse

Item: Carrot  Sell Value: 120
Stamina: 4  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Carrot Seeds during Fall or in the Hothouse

Item: Sweet Potato Sell Value: 120
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Sweet Potato Seeds during Fall or in the Hothouse

Item: Spinach  Sell Value: 80
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Spinach Seeds during Fall or in the Hothouse

Item: Green Pepper Sell Value: 40
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Plant Green Pepper Seeds during Fall or in the Hothouse

Item: Orangecup Fruit Sell Value: 60
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 5
Found: Plant Orange Cup Seeds during Spring, Summer, Fall, or in the

Item: Apple  Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 2  Fatigue: 1
Found: Harvest from near the apple tree during Fall

Item: Bamboo Shoot Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 10  Fatigue: 1
Found: Near the Hot Springs, during Spring

Item: Wild Grape Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 10  Fatigue: 2
Found: On Mother Hill, during Fall

Item: Mushroom  Sell Value: 70
Stamina: 10  Fatigue: 1
Found: On Mother Hill and at Gotz' house, during Fall

Item: PoisonousMushroom Sell Value: 100
Stamina: -10  Fatigue: -5
Found: At Gotz' House, during Fall

Item: Truffle  Sell Value: 500
Stamina: 20  Fatigue: 1
Found: On Mother Hill, during Fall, or buy at the Local Horse Race for 12

Item: Blue Grass Sell Value: 100
Stamina: 9  Fatigue: 1
Found: Near the Hot Springs and at Gotz' House, during Spring

Item: Red Grass  Sell Value: 100
Stamina: -10  Fatigue: -5
Found: Near the Hot Springs and at Gotz' House, during Summer

Item: Green Grass Sell Value: 100
Stamina: 0  Fatigue: 2
Found: Near the Hot Springs and at Gotz' House, during Fall

Item: Egg  Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 4  Fatigue: 0
Found: Laid by chickens without a crown next to their name with at least 1

Item: Golden Egg Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 5  Fatigue: 2
Found: Laid by chickens with a crown next to their name

Item: Spa-Boiled Egg Sell Value: 80
Stamina: 4  Fatigue: 1
Found: Toss any quality Egg or a Golden Egg into the Hot Springs

Item: Mayonnaise S Sell Value: 100
Stamina: 1  Fatigue: 1
Found: Place a Normal Egg in the Mayo Maker, or make via cooking

Item: Mayonnaise M Sell Value: 150
Stamina: 2  Fatigue: 1
Found: Place a Good Egg in the Mayo Maker, or make via cooking

Item: Mayonnaise L Sell Value: 200
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Place an Excellent Egg in the Mayo Maker, or make via cooking

Item: Mayonnaise G Sell Value: 300
Stamina: 4  Fatigue: 2
Found: Place a Golden Egg in the Mayo Maker, or make via cooking

Item: Milk S  Sell Value: 100
Stamina: 2  Fatigue: 2
Found: Use the Milker on a mature cow with 0 to 3 hearts

Item: Milk M  Sell Value: 150
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 2
Found: Use the Milker on a mature cow with 4 to 7 hearts

Item: Milk L  Sell Value: 200
Stamina: 4  Fatigue: 2
Found: Use the Milker on a mature cow with 8 to 10 hearts

Item: Milk G  Sell Value: 300
Stamina: 5  Fatigue: 3
Found: Use the Milker on a mature cow with a crown next to its name

Item: Cheese S  Sell Value: 300
Stamina: 5  Fatigue: 1
Found: Place a Milk S in the Cheese Maker

Item: Cheese M  Sell Value: 400
Stamina: 6  Fatigue: 1
Found: Place a Milk M in the Cheese Maker

Item: Cheese L  Sell Value: 500
Stamina: 7  Fatigue: 1
Found: Place a Milk L in the Cheese Maker

Item: Cheese G  Sell Value: 600
Stamina: 8  Fatigue: 2
Found: Place a Milk G in the Cheese Maker

Item: Wool S  Sell Value: 100
Found: Shear a woolly sheep with 0 to 3 hearts

Item: Wool M  Sell Value: 400
Found: Shear a woolly sheep with 4 to 7 hearts

Item: Wool L  Sell Value: 500
Found: Shear a woolly sheep with 8 to 10 hearts

Item: Wool G  Sell Value: 600
Found: Shear a sheep with a crown next to its name

Item: Yarn Ball S Sell Value: 300
Found: Place a Wool S in the Yarn Maker

Item: Yarn Ball M Sell Value: 700
Found: Place a Wool M in the Yarn Maker

Item: Yarn Ball L Sell Value: 800
Found: Place a Wool L in the Yarn Maker

Item: Yarn Ball G Sell Value: 1000
Found: Place a Wool G in the Yarn Maker

Item: Junk Ore  Sell Value: 1
Found: Mine in the normal mine (all floors) or the winter mine (all floors
except the bottom floor)

Item: Copper Ore Sell Value: 15
Found: Mine in the normal mine (all floors)

Item: Silver Ore Sell Value: 20
Found: Mine in the normal mine (floors 2 through 10)

Item: Gold Ore  Sell Value: 25
Found: Mine in the normal mine (floors 4 through 10)

Item: Mystrile  Sell Value: 40
Found: Mine in the normal mine (floors 6 through 10) or the winter mine
(all floors except the bottom floor), or buy at the Local Horse Race for 3

Item: Orichalcum Sell Value: 50
Found: Mine in the winter mine (floors 2 through 9)

Item: Adamantite Sell Value: 50
Found: Mine in the winter mine (floors 4 through 9)

Item: Earrings  Sell Value: 2000
Found: Have Saibara make them for 1000G (takes 3 days), or buy them at the
Local Horse Race for 33 medals

Item: Necklace  Sell Value: 2000
Found: Have Saibara make it for 1000G (takes 3 days), or buy it at the
Local Horse Race for 35 medals

Item: Bracelet  Sell Value: 2000
Found: Have Saibara make it for 1000G (takes 3 days), or buy it at the
Local Horse Race for 42 medals

Item: Moondrop Flower
Found: Pick them from Gotz' House and Mother Hill during Spring, or plant
them via Moondrop Seeds (which you cannot buy until you plant the bag of
Moondrop Seeds that Karen gives you, and have them bloom)

Item: Toy Flower
Found: Pick them from Mother Hill during Spring, or plant them via Toy
Flower Seeds

Item: Pink Cat Flower
Found: Pick them from Gotz' House and Mother Hill during Summer, or plant
them via Pink Cat Seeds

Item: Magic Red Flower
Found: Pick them from Gotz' House and Mother Hill during Fall, or plant
them via Magic Red Seeds

Item: Magic Red (Red) Sell Value: 200
Found: Plant Magic Red Seeds in your field during Fall; chances of one
growing are approximately 1 in 16

Item: Honey  Sell Value: 50 or 60
Stamina: 2  Fatigue: 2
Found: Harvest from the beehive on the apple tree (must plant at least one
flower on the farm and have it bloom for the hive to appear)

Item: SUGDW Apple Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 2  Fatigue: 2
Found: Buy from Won for 500G

Item: Rice Ball
Stamina: 2  Fatigue: 1
Found: Buy from the Supermarket for 100G

Item: Bread
Stamina: 2  Fatigue: 1
Found: Buy from the Supermarket for 100G

Item: Bodigizer
Stamina: 50  Fatigue: 1
Found: Buy from the Clinic for 500G

Item: Bodigizer XL
Stamina: 100  Fatigue: 1
Found: Buy at the Local Horse Race for 15 Medals, or buy at the Clinic for
1000G (once they carry it)

Item: Turbojolt
Stamina: 0  Fatigue: 20
Found: Buy at the Clinic for 1000G

Item: Turbojolt XL
Stamina: 0  Fatigue: 50
Found: Buy at the local Horse Race for 21 Medals, or buy at the Clinic for
1500G (once they carry it)

Item: Wine
Stamina: 0  Fatigue: 5
Found: Buy from the Aja Winery for 300G

Item: Grape Juice
Stamina: 5  Fatigue: 2
Found: Buy from the Aja Winery for 200G

Item: Large Fish Sell Value: 200
Stamina: 4  Fatigue: 1
Found: Catch in the ocean, or grab one from your fish pond if you have one
in there

Item: Medium Fish Sell Value: 120
Stamina: 3  Fatigue: 1
Found: Catch in the ocean, lake, or river, or grab one from your fish pond
if you have one in there

Item: Small Fish Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 2  Fatigue: 1
Found: Catch in the ocean, lake, or river, or grab one from your fish pond
if you have one in there

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